
Myths and frequent questions in dermatological allergology - immunology
            2022-2023 2nd Semester                        Department of  Dermatology, Library
Date Lecturer Thematics
2023.03.13 Dr. Gáspár Krisztián Therapy of anaphylaxis - myths and guidelines
Desensitisation - the real causative therapy of allergy     
Case reports                                 
4 pm.  
2023.03.20 Dr. Sawhney Irina Skin tests - how to diagnose correctly -                              
Lab tests of allergological diseases                                        
4 pm.  
2023.03.27 Dr. Szegedi Andrea Urticaria - not all forms of urticaria are caused by allergy 
Angioedema - different pathomechanism, different therapy, 
Case reports, practicals
4 pm.  
2023.04.03 Dr. Gellén Emese Ekzemas                                                                                    
Atopic dermatitis                                                                        
Case reports, practicals
4 pm.  
2023.04.17 Dr. Törőcsik Dániel New developments on the field of dermatological immunology                                                      
Immunotherapy of infalmmatory skin diseases                             
4 pm.  

Frissítés dátuma: 2023.03.02.